1. Create an account
2. Download the integration documentation below
3. Integrate with the API's
Please note, you will receive a PDF waybill and Commercial Invoice via email at the end of this transaction.
Please print the commercial invoice as we do not accept collections without the commercial invoice printed out.
Tip: If you can only print it the next day, book your collection the following business day.
In these Terms and Conditions
1.1. "Aramex Click-Way” means a division of Aramex South Africa (Pty.) Limited (registration no.1998/011447/07)
1.2 "Customer" means the Shipper/ Customer /Prospective Customer / Owner / Consignee / Sender or their agent for the shipment goods or any person with whom contracts for the purpose of providing any advice, information or service;
1.3 "Goods" means any goods handled, transported or dealt with by Aramex Click-Way or on its behalf on the instructions of the Customer, and includes any container or other equipment used in connection with such goods;
1.4 "the Owner" means the owner of the Goods to which any business concluded under these Terms and Conditions relates and any other person having any interest therein.
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Destination Customs Charge:
Please kindly note that customs VAT, duty, accessorial customs charges, clearance fees, storage, penalties and other statutory charges may be levied on this shipment for which the consignee is solely liable and which is not included in the shipping charge estimate.
Please kindly ensure that the value and item description of goods being exported is declared accurately to ensure these charges are reflected accordingly.
Should the consignee reject these charges, the shipper/exporter will be liable.
Destination Customs Charge:
Please note customs VAT & duty charges are included in the shipping charge.
Please ensure the value and item description of goods exported is declared accurately.
Penalties, storage and other statutory charges may be levied on the shipment witch the shipper/ exporter will be liable for.
International wine available countries: